Our methods and tools


Traffic source for real estate

The hottest clients ready for a deal

We create advertising campaigns:
In Yandex.Direct, Google Adwords
We devide advertising campaings for desktop and mobile apps

РСЯ, КМС, gmail

Yandex and Google (thousands of partners of Yandex and Google): avito.ru, mirkvartir.ru, youtube.com, vk.com, odnoklassniki, mail.ru, gismeteo.ru, rambler.ru, rabota.ru, rbc.ru, auto.ru, etc

Targeted ad
on social networks

  • We launch targeted advertising in VK
  • We use a multi-touch attribution strategy for warming up the traffic. We narrow down the audience to the most targeted one and send customized messages
  • We set retargeting

Warming up
mailing list

Ready-made scenarios of warming up chains of letters and messages to messengers for buyers of new buildings, suburban properties, buyers and sellers of secondary real estate. After the manager qualifies the lead by identifying a specific request, the client enters the sales funnel with certain stages. He automatically begins to receive a warming newsletter. In it, it is important for the agency or developer to show their expertise, interest in work and desire to help solve the client's problem by offering the optimal solution.


We get organic traffic from Google thanks to Youtube-marketing

We create video content together with you.
We use Youtube advertising

and calltracking

We set end-to-end analytics system and enable calltracking

We monitor advertising campaigns efficiency till the key search
on applications and calls.

sheet and reports

We maintain a management sheet: writing down key metrics and considering the budget

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